Option 1. Entered US Prior 10 process requires form P10 3-15 and ALL supporting documentation outlined in instructions.
Option 2. Entered US at Age 10 and over process and never played for a team outside of the US requires form FR-11 and ALL supporting documentation
outlined in instructions
Option 3. Entered US at Age 10 and over process and played for a team outside of the US requires form ITC 5-11 and ALL supporting documentation
outlined in instructions.
The player may not be added into Got Soccer/ FYSA until the appropriate form and ALL required supporting documentation is provided.
US Soccer Federation will NOT give international clearance if even ONE piece of required supporting documentation is not provided.
Instructions and Forms:
Option 1: instructions for prior to 10 process.pdf and prior to 10 form.pdf
Option 2: instructions for minors international clearance process – over 10 – forms fr-11 and itc 5-11.pdf
and first registration form – intl clearance over 10 – no club outside us.pdf
Option 3: instructions for minors international clearance process – over 10 – forms fr-11 and itc 5-11.pdf
and first registration form – intl clearance over 10 – no club outside us.pdf
and itc request form – intl clearance over 10 – played outside us.pdf